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Moshé Feldenkrais created a great number of skillful tools and procedures to help disorganized, aching, stressed out human beings to improve their lives (or actually, anyone who feels that there is more to life than just making it from day to day). His movement instructions for groups are called “Awareness Though Movement.”  They can be understood as scores or choreographies of relevant patterns for the upright walk of our species. These lessons never cease to delight and always seem to bear results.


Moshé Feldenkrais D.Sc


Die internationale Verbreitung und Anerkennung der Feldenkrais Methode hat ihren Ursprung in Nordamerika. Dr. Feldenkrais unternahm auf Einladung von Universitäten und wissenschaftlichen Institutionen  zahlreiche Reisen durch Nordamerika, bei denen hielt er Vorträge hielt und gestaltete Workshops. Seine Reisetätigkeit begann in den 70 iger Jahren und hatte ihren Höhepunkt in der dreijährigen professionellen  Feldenkrais Ausbildung in San Francisco. Aus diesem Anlass verfasste er selbst einen Lebenslauf, der hier auszugsweise zitiert wird.


The international spread and recognition of the Feldenkrais Method began in North America in the 1970’s, a period of humanistic social change there.   Dr. Feldenkrais made numerous trips around the continent, gave lectures and organized workshops to present his method.  His travels culminated in a limited training at Esalen Institute followed by a three-year professional Feldenkrais training in San Francisco, California. For this occasion, he wrote a CV in which he anchored his method in his prior accomplishments. The excerpts quoted here shed light on who he was:


Akademische Diplome:

1945 Sub Auspicis Abschluss mit seiner Dissertation an der Sorbonne, Paris ; Thesis: Measurement of Very High Tension; First Class Honors

1933 Sub Auspicis Abschluss des Studiums zum Technischen Ingenieur ; 1st in order of merit of the Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Division



Englisch, Französisch, Russisch, Hebräisch und passables Deutsch



1933 -1945   In Professor F. Joliot Curie’s Lab, Construction of high tension apparatus

for nuclear fission work

1939 -1940 In Professor Paul Langevin’s Lab, Development of anti-acoustic mine measures and gear, as member of the National Comit. Scient. Research

1940-46    Scientific Officer of the anti-submarine experimental 

Establishment of the Admiralty in Portland and in Scotland (British Admiralty)

1949–1952   Director of Electronics Department, Ministry of Defense, Israel

1963 –1970  Lecturer at Tel Aviv University, Department of Psychology



Founder and Technical Director of the Jiu-Jitsu Club de France,1934; Judo Black Belt Holder, 1936.



1932 „Compasses for Drawing Ellipses”, Paris

1940 „Scissors for Coupons”, Paris

1949 „Typewriter Ribbon Renovator”, London



„Jiu - Jitsu and Self Defense“,1929, Tel Aviv

„ABC de Judo“, 1932,Paris

„Higher Judo. In three volumes”, 1942, London

„Improving ability; Theory and Practice“, 1967, Tel Aviv

„Bewußtheit durch Bewegung“, 1968, Frankfurt

„Der aufrechte Gang  mit zwölf exemplarischen Lektionen”, Verlag: Insel Verlag (first edition), 1968, Frankfurt

„La conscience du corps“, 1971, Paris

„Fifty lessons by Moshé Feldenkrais - in movement notation“, 1971, Tel Aviv

„Awareness Through Movement", 1972, New York

„Adventures in the Jungle of the Brain. The case of Nora“; New York

„The Elusive Obvious“

„The Master Moves“

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